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PlotMM::DoubleRect Member List

This is the complete list of members for PlotMM::DoubleRect, including all inherited members.

center() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
contains(const DoublePoint &p, bool proper=false) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
contains(double x, double y, bool proper=false) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
contains(const DoubleRect &r, bool proper=false) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
DoubleRect(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)PlotMM::DoubleRect
DoubleRect(double x, double y, const DoubleSize &)PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_height() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_width() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_x1() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_x2() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_y1() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
get_y2() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
intersect(const DoubleRect &) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
intersects(const DoubleRect &) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
is_empty() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
is_null() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
is_valid() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
move(double x, double y)PlotMM::DoubleRect
move_by(double dx, double dy)PlotMM::DoubleRect
move_center(const DoublePoint &)PlotMM::DoubleRect
move_center(double dx, double dy)PlotMM::DoubleRect
move_x(double x)PlotMM::DoubleRect
move_y(double y)PlotMM::DoubleRect
normalize() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator &(const DoubleRect &r) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator &=(const DoubleRect &r)PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator!=(const DoubleRect &) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator==(const DoubleRect &) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator|(const DoubleRect &r) const PlotMM::DoubleRect
operator|=(const DoubleRect &r)PlotMM::DoubleRect
set_height(double h)PlotMM::DoubleRect
set_rect(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)PlotMM::DoubleRect
set_size(const DoubleSize &)PlotMM::DoubleRect
set_width(double w)PlotMM::DoubleRect
size() const PlotMM::DoubleRect
unite(const DoubleRect &) const PlotMM::DoubleRect

Generated on Thu Nov 10 15:26:22 2005 for PlotMM by  doxygen 1.4.4