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PlotMM::Plot Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for PlotMM::Plot:
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class implementing a plot widget.

Public Member Functions

int add_curve (const Glib::RefPtr< Curve > &, PlotAxisID xaxis=AXIS_BOTTOM, PlotAxisID yaxis=AXIS_LEFT, bool enable=true)
void replot ()
PlotLabeltitle ()
Scalescale (PlotAxisID id)
PlotLabellabel (PlotAxisID id)
SigC::Signal3< void, int,
int, GdkEventButton * > 
signal_plot_mouse_press ()
SigC::Signal3< void, int,
int, GdkEventButton * > 
signal_plot_mouse_release ()
SigC::Signal3< void, int,
int, GdkEventMotion * > 
signal_plot_mouse_move ()
void set_selection (const Rectangle &r)
Rectangle get_selection ()
void enable_selection ()
void disable_selection ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool on_canvas_expose_event (GdkEventExpose *event)
virtual void draw_selection_ ()

Protected Attributes

Gtk::Table layout_
PlotCanvas canvas_
std::vector< Scale * > tickMark_
std::vector< ScaleLabels * > tickLabel_
std::vector< PlotLabel * > axisLabel_
PlotLabel title_


struct  CurveInfo

Member Function Documentation

int Plot::add_curve const Glib::RefPtr< Curve > &  cv,
PlotAxisID  xaxis = AXIS_BOTTOM,
PlotAxisID  yaxis = AXIS_LEFT,
bool  enable = true

Add a new curve to the plot.

The plot will not be updated - call replot() manually after adding new curves.

void Plot::disable_selection  ) 

Disable drawing of the selection rectangle. To actually erase the rectangle, replot() must be called.

void Plot::draw_selection_  )  [protected, virtual]

draws the current selection rectangle on the plot canvas.

void Plot::enable_selection  ) 

Enable drawing of the selection rectangle. The geometry can be changed using set_selection. To actually draw the rectangle, replot() must be called.

void Plot::replot  ) 

Replot all curves

After adding curves to the plot or changing the curves' data with Curve::setData() this method must be called to update the plot.

If autoscaling is activated for an axis used by any of the Curve::enabled() curves that axis will be scaled to a new range.

void Plot::set_selection const Rectangle r  ) 

Set the selection to the given rectangle. If selection is enabled, the old rectangle is erased and the new is drawn. Note that replot() does not have to be called explicitly. No other canvas contents but the rectangle are redrawn calling this method.

SigC::Signal3< void, int, int, GdkEventMotion * > Plot::signal_plot_mouse_move  ) 

Return the signal owned by plot canvas.

SigC::Signal3< void, int, int, GdkEventButton * > Plot::signal_plot_mouse_press  ) 

Return the signal owned by plot canvas.

SigC::Signal3< void, int, int, GdkEventButton * > Plot::signal_plot_mouse_release  ) 

Return the signal owned by plot canvas.

Generated on Thu Nov 10 15:26:22 2005 for PlotMM by  doxygen 1.4.4